His $109K Heart Attack Bill Is Now Down to $332 After NPR Told His Story | Medxoom Skip to main content

His $109K Heart Attack Bill Is Now Down to $332 After NPR Told His Story

Sep 2018

Healthcare patients continue to experience excessive billing from hospitals, including Surprise Bills sent directly to patients, known as Balance Billing in the industry. This practice, usually a nasty surprise to the patient, can cause irreparable financial harm and stress and are a reason why Medxoom helps provide transparent healthcare costs prior to medical procedures for consumers, employers, brokers, and TPAs alike.

From NPR:

“The 44-year-old father of two had suffered a serious heart attack in April 2017. A neighbor rushed [Drew] Calver to the nearest emergency room, which happened to be an out-of-network hospital under his school district health plan. His insurance paid the hospital nearly $56,000 for his four-day hospitalization and the procedures to clear his blocked artery.

But the hospital, St. David’s Medical Center in Austin, wasn’t satisfied with that amount and went after the high school history teacher and swim coach for an additional $109,000. It’s a practice known as ‘balance billing.’

‘This was a remarkable story and it has done remarkable good for him,’ [Zack] Cooper adds. ‘But we shouldn’t be in a world where to avoid financial ruin you have to hope your story is featured in the popular press. We can do better than this.’”

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